Investigative Documentary Film Production
Our Documentary Film Production House, based in Arizona, will develop and produce premium investigative environmental and political documentary films for worldwide audiences.
With several projects currently in the works, our material will focus on critical events and developments to uncover the truth.
Uncovering the Truth
First and foremost, it began in 2016 when Walter produced his first investigative documentary film. With this in mind, his declaration that “Investigative journalism is dead, therefore it’s now our responsibility to pick up the mantle” sums up his own motivations for becoming engaged. After all, Documentaries go further into a controversial subject and reveal hidden knowledge with the use of interviews and historical records. Moreover, as a Director, Walter Schmidt describes his film production technique as a creative process. And how he uses a distinct style of storytelling to help his audience become more conscious of an issue.
Documentary Film Production
I am driven by a desire to understand the subtleties of investigative storytelling and feel that professional filmmaking is a never-ending learning experience. My desire for knowledge combined with investigative filmmaking cultivated my determination to turn information into action.- Walter Schmidt
Subsequently, his most recent seven-part documentary film series is in post-production and highlights this desire. Parts 1 through 4 have already been released in two languages; German and English. The movie is accessible for free online viewing at
A brief description of the documentary film can be seen on this site.